Setting Al Urooj POS for all other Country with GST support.
Tax settings:
2 Different taxes in Malaysia:
- GST (Central Goods & Services Tax)
- SST (State Goods & Services Tax )
Go to Settings -> Tax Rate setting.
1. Create a tax with name GST@6% and Tax Rate %: as 10. (6% is for example only, use the tax rate applicable)
2. Create a tax with name SST@10% and Tax Rate %: as 10. (10% is for example only, use the tax rate applicable)
With this now when you purchase or sell a product you can select the applicable tax.
Setting up invoice format for GST
Check the details guide on invoice format & designs
- To display the summary of tax in the invoice – add the label for “Tax Summary Label”
- To see inline tax try using the columised tax design or detailed design or Elegant or classic as per your need.